1. MistB posted on 10 2
I wonder what the amount of RAM will be for the note 3 and the next iterations of the Galaxy Tablets. I reckon we'll see the 2560x1600 powering Sammy's next tablet but could we be seeing the Note 3 equipped with 3GB of RAM? 6.3 inches if done right by reducing the bezel could be a hit. I say bring it on.

2. Whateverman posted on 5 1
I'm almost there with you, but I'm not totally sold on the 6.3 inch screen just yet. I thought the 5.5 was pushing it at first, but now it seems perfect. So Im kinda hoping they stop there. We'll see what happens.

12. nicholassss posted on 6 0
all depends on how much bezel there is.

32. Twisted247 posted on 0 0
Agreed with MistB, If done right it could be a hit. Look at the difference between the 5" LG View (Their POOR attempt at a "phablet") it is a square and looks HUGE not to mention it very hard to hold and operate. Also the stylus isn't even attached. Now look at the Note 2 which has a screen of 5.5" yet MUCH more aesthetically pleasing. Also the Stylus is built into the device and flush.
So their are proper and improper ways of executing a phablet device. Samsung seems to have the formula for it and I don't think they will disappoint on the Note3(assuming there will be a Note3 but most signs point to yes). Hopefully the physical dimensions of the Device don't go up by much, Rather the bezel and gap between the top and bottom are used more Adequately.
I have faith in Samsung tough But before I speculate further on the Gn3 I am more interested atm in the Gs4

3. 1ceTr0n posted on 10 2
As a Note 1 and new Note 2 owner, I can fap to this while throwing money at the screen. Give it to me Samsung!

10. Whateverman posted on 4 0
LMAO!!! Careful, no liquid damage.

18. darac posted on 1 0
Lol.. well just be careful if it gets too big to operate with just one hand.. you get what I mean

21. 1ceTr0n posted on 1 1
I'm used to one handling my hard and large issue

4. BBGrind posted on 2 0
The really pushing it with that 6.3, very soon would need both hands to hold a phone to your ears, lol.

5. darac posted on 0 3
There is NO WAY Samsung would get that stupid to kill the Note with such screen size.
The real Note successor will have 5.8 screen and the 6.3 version will be a niche device.
I'm willing to bet anyone on that

9. darac posted on 0 0
Alright you're on.
Place the bets?:p

19. 1ceTr0n posted on 1 0
Yeah, you buy me my Note 3 6.3" bad boy if I'm right

24. Droid_X_Doug posted on 0 0
I am thinking the specs are for a 7 inch talet offering to stomp the iMini.
Maybe the product is called End of Mini?

27. joseph98 posted on 1 0
As a note1 and note2 user I am willing to buy a 6.3inch more than a 5.8inch screen if the bazel done right. Will take the wager in a heart beat.

7. Just_a_boy posted on 7 3
That stupidity of bigger and bigger screens is getting ridiculous, in the next years they will announce a 32 inch screen smartphone

34. Droid_X_Doug posted on 0 0
Ummm.... Sammy is already there:http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Sa
msung+-+46%26%2334%3B+Class+-+LED+-+1080p+-+120Hz+-+Smart+-+HDTV/4837482.p?id=12185401963 Smart-enabled is just needing a Skype-like app and the only thing missing is a large enough battery to drive the AC-DC inverter.59&skuId=4837482&st=Save_Samsu ng_Smart_HDTV_102737&cp=1&lp=1

8. blackice214 posted on 7 1
These specs are faker than an unbiased Cnet Review.

23. eDiesel posted on 1 0
Nice. Made me laugh. Thanks.

11. InspectorGadget80 posted on 2 2
The fk?! Now i may have to try & wait for the NOTE III.

13. ajac09 posted on 0 0
6.3 with that dual quad core might be nice but I will NOT call it an 8 core. 2 sets of cores plus the GPU each set operating differently. In this came why isn't the tegra 4 called an 80 core!? But I wonder who will release the first TRUE 8 core that all operate at the same frequency. But if a note 2 is 6.3 I may have to bite. Just bought 2 note 2's at full retail may use upgrade on the note 3's. Sigh I love the note 2. my iphone 5 friends hate comparing lol

14. yowanvista posted on 0 1
That 8-Core Exynos 'Octa' thing is highly misleading, no matter what they do the kernel will recognize it as a Quad Core. It's unlikely that Sammy actually makes it a 'real 8-core' SoChttps://lwn.net/Articles/50150
1/ Basically, there's one of two ways that big.LITTLE chips can operate.
The chip is exposed to the OS as a quad-core and whether the A7 or A15 is handling a task is based on clock frequency scaling, which the Linux kernel has been equipped to do for a while. This method has some limitations on SoCs that have more than one core per clock domain. Whether or not this is the case with the Exynos 5 Octa is unclear. This is the simplest way of supporting it, and most likely the method that will be used on shipping hardware.
2) The chip is exposed to the OS as an 8-core chip and the kernel scheduler decides what tasks go on what cores. This has some of the biggest limitations due to the scheduler in Linux treating all cores equally when this obviously isn't the case. There's been some extensive work done on a new real-time scheduler so that it can actively load balance tasks between the more powerful and less powerful cores. Since this is currently experimental code maintained outside the mainline kernel, it seems unlikely that this method will be used anytime soon. It probably will be in the future due to there ostensibly being a 10-20% performance boost associated with it on big.LITTLE chips.

28. skymitch89 posted on 0 0
Or maybe, with it being a Samsung made processor and a Samsung made device, that Samsung will make it so the software will be optimized to make the decision as to which set of cores to use?

22. fanboy1974 posted on 2 0
I'm throwing money at my Note 2 screen?

25. 1ceTr0n posted on 1 0
I'm fapping and holding my Note 2 also. What say you haters?

26. bucky posted on 1 2
They should make a 12" screen and 47 cores with a 98 megapixel camera! Useless...

29. skymitch89 posted on 2 0
I could see the GS4 & Note 3 coming with the Exynos 5 Octa, but I don't think that 6.3in would be a good idea to go to. I think they should stay with 5.5in, but up the resolution to full 1080p HD and up the RAM to 4GB.

30. papss posted on 0 0
Geez that would be huge... I can't imagine it being bigger that the note 2.. I am intrigued by the note 2, maybe my second phone

33. nard0207 posted on 0 0
Hey Victor!
5 inches? The end? Sammy has other ideas.

35. JohnnyBravo posted on 0 0
I think for the Note series 5.5 is the sweetspot. Ive never been a fan of the Note due to its size but my buddy got one and the more Im exposed to it the more I tend to like it. Im rocking out a 4.7' screen and think that is the sweetspot for me but its so tempting to look at that big screen...

36. duwiegeneral posted on 0 0
am all about gesture's nt 5 plus r 6 plus inch screen size thats just too damn big the more things i can do with my screen that doesnt required an icons is what gets me excited.
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