Friday, August 10, 2012

Benefits of male circumcision | Times of Zambia


ONE of the characteristics of all forms of life is the capacity to reproduce

?Among human beings reproduction is not just the act of sexual intercourse and the birth of a baby.

Reproduction is a whole series of events; courtship, marriage, founding a home, founding a family, care of the young, respect for motherhood, education of the child, handling on the tradition and customs of the next generation.

Freud was the first psychologist to draw our attention to the importance of the sex instinct in our psychological make-up hence the need for us to appreciate the bodily pleasure especially associated with erotic zones.

Male circumcision may raise some human rights issues but the procedure carries a lot more benefits than this article can allow for public consumption.

It is not known whether male circumcision changes the sensitivity of themale reproductive organ and if it does or whether this has any adverse effect on male sexual pleasure.

Research in this area is very difficult to conduct and interpret.

Some studies of circumcised men show that the manhood is less sensitive to touch, while other studies show no effect.

One study found a slightly longer ejaculation time in circumcised men which are a common benefit for most people who ejaculate prematurely.

Reports from men who have been circumcised as adult are conflicting, most men report improved sex lives while others remain unchanged.

Data recently published from the Rakai randomised controlled trail of male circumcision showed that circumcised men experienced no adverse effect on sexual functioning or satisfaction according to Kaigozi et al.

Sexual pleasure depends on a large range of factors, including age, alcohol consumption, fatigue, relation dynamics and health conditions such as diabetes.

Probably the most important factors are the feelings sexual partner have for each other and the time when and the place where they are having sexual relations.

The use of herbal products to enhance your performance or enlarge your manhood will not help matters.

In the physiology of sexual intercourse, the heart normally starts to pump blood faster in the body system and to the manhood to maintain an erectile manhood.

The erection of the manhoodmainly depends on a good blood supply.

May be for that we might need a lesson on benefits of groundnuts, pumpkin seeds, a teaspoon of honey every evening or effects of vitamin E and zinc components of our diet.

T o maximise the impact of male circumcision it would be preferable to conduct the procedure before the start of any sexual acting.

?In theory, the earlier male circumcision is performed, the longer the time for keratinisation of the glans penis and hence greater protection is achieved.?

Infant male circumcision has some addition benefits, the operation is simpler with fewer complications, it is less painful, faster, and less expensive and requires no stitches, the wound heals faster and there is a lessened incidence of urinary tract infection as I stated in the last article where I talked of circumcision and HIV/AIDS prevention.

Moreover, the child is accustomed to his status when he reaches puberty.

We have dealt so much on the benefits of male-circumcision for males but women have a benefit in this too!

Studies have indicated that male circumcision reduces the risk of human Papilloma virus infection and of cervical cancers in women but this has yet to be confirmed in randomised trials.

There is no specific cause for cancer but it is important to avoid the predisposing factors.

Just imagine, former president of America with his passion for good health came to Zambia just to ensure that cervical cancers are avoided by putting a programme to screen for the disease and with this knowledge gained about male circumcision we can now play a role too.

Zambia has got one of the most educated first ladies in Africa if not the whole world, Dr Christine Kaseba who has attached a lot of importance to ensuring a cervical cancer free generation.

The two times visit by former US president Mr Bush just shows the commitment that any man can offer when we are having more and more people being predisposed to the cancer.

(The author is a male nurse at Luanshya Mine Hospital


Cell 0966565670)


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